You'll never look at child development the same way again. This book by Jean Clinton lays out the early years' journey of attachment, self-regulation, connection, resilience and well being, and does so with scientific explanations measured out in understandable doses. The book is full of deeply researched wisdom, offered in a conversational style. It's like having coffee and a chat with Jean as you sit at her kitchen table.
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(Canadian Paediatric Society review – Emmett Francoeur)
Jean Clinton delivers the strongest of arguments for the need to zero in on early years to nurture and promote the mental health of children. She describes how the brain’s plasticity makes it exquisitely capable of change, particularly in the early years but also over the lifespan. She does so with the special touch of a mother-grandmother-physician who knows about “feeling felt” and the need for the “drip-by-drip” consistent and sensitive responsiveness of the loving caretaker.